Creating Woodland Gardens

In addition to the vegetable garden plots, we plan to have a woodland garden located on the Garland Community site. The woodland garden, once established, functions as an eco-system.  Unlike the traditional vegetable garden, the woodland garden needs little care once established.  

The woodland garden is a small forest designed to be similar to the outer edges of a forest.  The plants, including the flowers, are all edible perennials.  The trees are fruit and nut trees.  The shrubs are also fruit bearing plants such as pomegranates, blueberry bushes, blackberry bushes, etc.  The lower plants are various herbs, and greens such as miners lettuce, chicory, etc.  

The gardener in temperate climates such as ours has about 2,100 edible plants to choose from.  Once established, the woodland trees and plants continue to grow year after year with almost no weeding, feeding or watering.  A wide range of plants can grow side by side, each occupying its own space; some with deep roots bringing up nutrients from beyond the reach of others.  When leaves fall, they provide the nutrients and substance to the soil.

The two areas we originally designated for establishing these gardens at 4022 Naaman School Road were on either side of the paved driveway at the entrance to the Garland Community Garden.

 Previously Planned Location of Woodland Garden I - beginning spring 2014 


In the photograph above Anita stands in the majestic grove of pecan trees under whose canopy we hoped to establish one of the woodland gardens.  However due to future plans of the Parks and Recreation Department this area and the area below are no longer part of our licensed area.  We now plan to use another area near the back of the garden.

 The Previously Planned Woodland Garden II - beginning spring 2014 
